Guestbook FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding Guestbook

Explanation of the settings menu

Basic Settings
Various blog settings can be changed. Please select "Basic Settings" when you want to change mobile entry submission settings, your profile settings, original side menu settings, and so forth.

Update Notice Manager
Delivery settings for update notices sent when you submit entries can be changed. Please also select "Update Notice Manager" when you want to know whether update notices were delivered successfully or not.

This function allows you to immediately submit entries with the URL of the page you are currently looking at attached. When you want to use this feature, please select "Bookmarklets" and add the displayed link to your browser's "favorites" or "bookmarks".

Design Change
The appearance of your blog can be changed. Please select "Design Change" when you want to change the appearance of your blog.

Member Settings
You can set restrictions on who can view and write on your blog. Please select "Member Settings" when you want to limit the people who can view and write on your blog.

Movable Type format files can be loaded into your blog. If you were previously using another blog service and want to move previous entries, please select "Import".

Entries from this blog can be saved as a Buttobi format file. When you want to save a backup of entries, please select "Export".

Account Manager
Here you can change your blog management password and leave (cancel) the blog service. Please select "Account Manager" when you want to change your management password or leave (cancel) the blog service.

Jul 07 07:07 | Management Screen | 管理

